Metaphorical calluses? – The Occasional Violinist 6

Violinist life update: calluses. I’m currently getting re-callused on my left hand. I also forgot about the weird one from the fine tuner as well. And going into high positions…oh dear. It’s uncomfortable and distracting to say the least, but as I keep saying on this journey, you’ve got to start somewhere.

So taking the callus idea a bit further, what about mental or emotional calluses? I certainly found in my former life as a music student and professional violinist, my nerves got gradually worn down and confidence built up by frequent performing. Those calluses will need rebuilding too. And I know there aren’t any shortcuts. It’s putting in the hours and hard graft. You have to expect some failures and mistakes. This is where you learn to pick yourself and dust yourself off and turn up again the next day.

Granted playing in an orchestra requires a much lower level of ‘metaphorical’ callus than solo performances, which I have no desire to do at present!

Strangely enough I’ve found the skills I developed through performing and being on stage have helped me in my day job which involves delivering and supporting live training.

Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts in the comments.

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